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ATO Guidance on Car Parking Fringe Benefits (TR 2019/D5 and Draft FBT Employer Guide) lodged with the ATO

Published on 19 Dec 19 by THE TAX INSTITUTE

The Tax Institute considers that amendments to the fringe benefits tax (FBT) law are required with respect to when a ‘car parking fringe benefit’ arises. However, until such time as the law is amended, we make comments below in relation to the Draft Ruling and Draft Guide to ensure this guidance works as effectively as possible given the current legislation.

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The Tax Institute is Australia's leading professional association and educator in tax, with offices in most major cities. Focusing solely on tax, the Institute provides the best resources, education and networks. Our mission is to equip tax professionals with everything they need to demonstrate the highest level of expertise and increase the advancement of public knowledge and understanding. We are also committed to propelling members into the future and onto the global stage with the introduction of the Chartered Tax Adviser designation.
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